Monday, June 18, 2012

Baseball Love

Baseball is sunshine,
green grass,
fathers and sons,
our rural past.
-Albert Theodore Powers,
The Business of Baseball
Here is the special gift the boys and I made The Hubs for Father's Day.
It was a bit messy and we are still getting some of the ink
off the baby's hand, but totally worth it!

These boys can already grip a ball
like they have gripped our hearts!
I know it will be so fun to watch
them grow and play together.
BBJ already loves to play baseball
with his daddy, it will be even more
fun when LBJ can play with them too!
I am so glad that The Hubs
can share his love of the game
with our boys!

I hope everyone had a
Happy Father's Day,
especially The Hubs!

*Note: This is sort of a "Pinned It, Did It" post...this idea was sent to me by a friend
before I got started using Pinterest, so I never actually pinned it
{and so, I do not have link back to the original post,
it was sent to me as a picture attachment}.

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